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NEW Lars Ulrich 'Scary Guy' Models

Lars Ulrich, the world famous stickman for Metallica, is an artist who stays loyal to the companies and products he endorses. This includes Ahead – the maker of hybrid drum sticks that marry aluminum and polyurethane for longer durability and reduced vibration shock.

Now, after many years using his signature Ahead model, Lars has helped design his new line of ‘Scary Guy’ drumsticks.

A cross between Ahead’s classic 5B and 2B models (16" x .595"/58g and 16" x .595"/64g, respectively) and the popular Lars Ulrich signature stick (16.25" x .595"/65g), the new sticks feature a hand-drawn icon created by Metallica’s legendary drummer and Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame inductee. Scary Guys are now available in a choice of two models: the LU-SG Standard with silver logos (16"x.595"/64g) and the LU-SGL Light with red logos (16"x.595"/58g).

At £31 RRP you could be forgiven for thinking that these sticks are on the expensive side. But when you look at the fact that these stick will last on average 8-10 times longer than a wood stick, you’ll see that saving money is just one of the benefits these sticks can offer!

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